Happy release day Demonstrations! 11 February 2022

“Fabric Rings”, the band’s debut release on austerity is now available on all major streaming platforms, we'll have this on repeat all weekend, what a chorus... For fans of early XTC, The The, Bodega, PVA...

Written originally to be a song reflecting people's relationship with their clothes, Fabric Rings transformed into an exploration of identity. Lyrically surreal, ‘Fabric Rings’ is a song unlike any produced by the band before. Using metaphor to paint a story of confused loss of self, the track aims to explore the neurotic side of self branding. In a world where shoes are revered as icons and consumer branding is unavoidable, ‘Fabric Rings’ tells a story that highlights the humanic desire for aesthetic approval. The tracks core intention is to express the moment when one is completely consumed by their own self doubt, drowned in their anxiety to appear fashionable. Click the image below to be taken straight to Spotify